broken vinyl | Teen Ink

broken vinyl

January 8, 2022
By cami1125 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
cami1125 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You never cared about me like the way you claimed you did,

If you did you wouldn't have came back.

If you cared the way you said you did,

You wouldn't have put the same broken record on,

If you did you would have let me be.

“Just let me go” you said the 6th time around


Do you hear me?

I did,

I tried,

You were gone-

Out of my life for two years,

Out of my love.

I was free

My air was clean

Then you came back to say your proud of how i've grown!

I've grown because you were gone

I've grown because I chose to be stronger than your burdens.

Now smoke rolls in,

My air turns toxic,

But i was blind,

Couldn't see past your gas mask

You promised you changed

There was warning signs,

But I didn't care

Now 9 months later…

The old you is back and i’m on the floor lost with my mask off

Bleeding from the knife in my back that you've placed,

Once again

The author's comments:

this is the story about me an old friend of mine who I thought I knew. They were my best friend for the longest, and my lover on and off. they came and went when they felt like it, using me for my vulnerability, my weakness to let whoever in, and manipulating me, using my past against me 

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