Rise Above | Teen Ink

Rise Above

December 13, 2022
By willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that uniqueness is superior to conformity.

When in today's time, there is no such thing as individualism.

Sometimes I catch myself within moderation.

But in the midst of it all, I ask myself why.

Why do I try so hard to look like them?

Same shoes, Same Shirt, Same Hair.

Humanity stays the same,

I always see identical silhouettes dancing in my head,

 because Individualism is clearly dead.

Impending fear that I won't be admired,

taught me to behave similarly to society.

Wanting to rebel, I always concede.

Yet I never understood why.

My teenage years made me realize.

And the impractical efforts to fit in eventually faded,

Because now I understand how.

How valuable it is to be different from the rest.

Mother said to always rise above.

The words often flew over my head.

But occasionally, I bite into them.

The taste is rather inspiring, as it prompts me to think.

How can I be different from the ones I wanted to be like the most?

The author's comments:

This is a piece written for a composition class.

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