Would You Rather? | Teen Ink

Would You Rather?

January 21, 2023
By malaika8 BRONZE, Dennison, Ohio
malaika8 BRONZE, Dennison, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People always ask,
Would you rather change the past,
or see the future. 
I'd change the past.
I wouldn't invite him over or even become his friend.
I wouldn't send my mom away because in my head, 
What bad could ever happen?

Although I was wrong, 
If I could change the past, 
My skin would be unscathed,
I'd be free from the nightmare that'll haunt me forever. 
I wouldn't let him pretend I'm a chip on a game board, 
just for him to throw away when he's done.

I told myself non of it was real...
It was all a nightmare but,
We all know that's not true. 
My skin holds a story that I thought no one would know. 

I am no less than him, yet he had the power.
He took something from me.
He took away my voice, my strength, 
He took away my power. 
It's something I'll forever fight to get back. 
My words and skin for now, 
will always tell the story that my voice will never be able to tell.

The author's comments:

For me, this is a really intimate piece. I sincerely hope that anyone else who has gone through something similar will draw courage and solace from this.

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