Opportunity | Teen Ink


January 31, 2023
By Anonymous

A star sounds like the whisper of an orphaned child wishing for a better life. 

The hiding place of rain shivers underneath an awning trying to stay out of the elements until someone makes them leave. 

Despair and heartbreak smells like alcohol and weed. 

At the end of tomorrow waits for opportunity and a new beginning.

If you turn hope on high, you’ll see how much you can get done and how happy you will be. They said.

When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find your calling.

They said.

Opportunity looks like one park bench after another.

Opportunity looks like one foster home after another.

Then, you make a mistake.

An irreversible, deadly, expensive mistake.

And you hear the one sound no boy is ever ready to hear.

A baby’s cry.

A baby’s cry is bright orange. 

They cry when they are born just as the sun is reborn and cries a bright orange every morning. And something changes. 

A baby changes you. 

You feel warmth, happiness, and hope. 

A new idea feels like butterflies. 

It fills you up with enjoyment as the ideas are flowing. 

Opportunity looks like a job offer.

Opportunity looks like a better life than you ever imagined for him.

If you turn hope on high you see how much your life changes.

When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you find your calling.

Opportunity is right around the corner. You just have to look.

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