Brain Maze | Teen Ink

Brain Maze

January 31, 2023
By 3janssen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3janssen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A hidden memory

A child trying to jam the square block into the circle hole of her new toy

An attempted forgotten thing

The taste of the recess firepole attaching to your tongue in the winter months 

Never wanting to release you from its grasp

A photo taken in the sun, squinting your eyes to cease the pain

Cold air creeping through a locked window 

A knock on the door in an empty room when you're alone

However, they never fail to rise and fall

The touch of a setting sun

Pausing to remove sand from your shoe

A metallic taste on your tongue from a once disliked food now disappearing with age

A hidden memory you’re longing to forget

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