Out-Grown Shoes | Teen Ink

Out-Grown Shoes

January 31, 2023
By 3janssen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3janssen SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we were young, grass remained plastered to our toes 

When we were young, we abandoned popsicle sticks around the yard

When we were young, we played pretend 

When we were young, the adventures of Barney blared through the TV

When we were young, shouting sparkles was enough excitement for one night

When we were young, we splashed in our duct-taped kiddie pool

I understand, we've grown, but we’re still who we were

Still we remain, bursting with laughter

Still we remain, with the same passionate smiles

Still we remain, with scars that hold unforgettable memories  

Still we remain, with constant contact

Still she remains, my built in best friend

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