Stuck in a Dream of Nightmares | Teen Ink

Stuck in a Dream of Nightmares

February 1, 2023
By 3hopwood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3hopwood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold, wet, dewy, grass wets the bottom of my feet 

The sun, bright as life shines down on my face 

The sky, blue like my mother's eyes, looks down at me

The birds, high as can be, sing in great harmony

The wind, crisp but nice, folds my hair over my shoulder

The rain, on the hot concrete, smells like summer

Summer, beautiful as can be, calming me to the core

Every ounce of stress leaves my body, as I lay down on the tall green grass

I am happy, I am free, I am alive

The stars, twinkle at me with every blink

The fireflies, flash with every laugh

The frogs, chirp far down in the hollow

The fire, smells so inviting, to just sit down

The smores, perfectly melting and perfectly tasty 

The laughs, bring us a warm feeling and give us hope

Summer, is the best time of the year, were the smells are fresh and the laughs are exciting

Every day I try to make it through but the same thing appears to happen

I am happy, I am free, I am alive…

Until I open my eyes in the morning and realize that it was all just a dream and I am still stuck… 

My emotions try to take over but I can't let them, for when they do I hit rock bottom…

The pain, it hurts everything hurts, I don't know what to do.

The emotions take over like I knew they would.

The headache is conducting boom… boom… boom… 

The shakiness, my legs give as I hobble to find help. 

The scared, tender feeling in my heart as I try to scream but no one can hear me.

Screaming and crying out, no one can hear me… but why? 

I see you people and you see me but no one is helping me.

I sat there sinking in an ocean of my own tears, waiting for someone to come along and help me.

The light, bright as can be, I'm still not sure what it is.

The voices, I can hear them but I can’t see them, can they see me?

The coldness takes over my body as if I belong to it.

The terror takes me captive and I am nothing but a once-forgotten soul. 

Why was no one helping? Why was I so alone? This doesn't make sense to me, where did I go?

The voices of terror and the screaming of hell should have brought someone to help.

But they do not care, they have no feelings, they watch as I’m taken away by an ocean of my emotions 

They watch as I leave, without a tear, they don't care about others, they care about ego.

So as my feet touch the wet, cold, and dewy grass and my feet get a little damp.

 I drift away and no one is here to help, I raise my hand slightly to talk…

 People can be so mean and hurtful, but it's nothing too bad, it's just a lousy high school. 

The author's comments:

This poem is just a little something I wrote about the difference between summer and the school year, and how it relates to my life.

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