Track and Field Alphabet | Teen Ink

Track and Field Alphabet

February 13, 2023
By AdamKnepper BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
AdamKnepper BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A new season is about to emerge again, eager to appear.

Beyond spring, summer, fall, and winter is a distinct time of year

catered to those who love to run, jump, and throw.

Despite the frigid temperatures, the runners do not slow!


Every day the athletes train for meets, constantly preparing for track and

field. They practice form drills, runouts, and passing batons from hand to hand.

“Go!” the coach yells as he clicks a stopwatch.

Hurdlers fly over the tall barriers while others see if they might botch.


Indoor meets are an early assessment of greatness.

Jumpers, similarly, are the initial measure of the team’s level of preparedness.

Knowing that the track is a mere two hundred meters,

laps seem to take twice as long, and runners are tempted to become cheaters.


Medals in teammates’ hands display their impressive achievements from the past day.

Nourished by Gatorade, the athletes stay,

opposing their sore muscles and lack of sleep.

Plopping on the ground, they arrive home an exhausted heap.


Qualifying at districts is less than a week away.

Realizing that the sport is almost over, the athletes shift into a higher gear on Monday.

State is just around the corner, for those who qualify.

Time keeps on ticking – the season has flown by!


Understanding the people that enjoy running may be a difficult deed.

Visualize a tenacious hard worker – a very special breed.

Wondering still, the high that runners chase?

X-emplify them yourself by joining a race.


Years may go by before one develops a

zealous passion for running that is sure to envelop.

The author's comments:

Track season is about to begin soon, and I wrote this to demonstrate some of the emotions I feel during track.

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