Puzzle pieces | Teen Ink

Puzzle pieces

March 22, 2023
By payton_buckman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
payton_buckman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Puzzle pieces

Sometimes I feel like my life is not complete

Like there is something missing

I feel like no matter what I try to do there is always something wrong

Then I realized some thing

No matter how hard I try, something is always going to be missing

Me growing up is adding a piece to the puzzle

A puzzle that may never get finished

But somehow will be complete

Every mistake I make will make the puzzle take longer

But its just part of the process

Just because of one mistake dose not mean that I must restart

Its means that its not over

And my puzzle pieces

Are pieces of my world

The pieces of my puzzle include

My life support

My best friend

My drama sister

My team

My school friends

My family

And me.

My puzzle my not be finished but it certainly feels complete.

The author's comments:

this piece is called puzzle pieces because its apart of my life and this is how I pave the way of life and if I fail I keep going because life is like a puzzle so I wanted to write about it.

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