Calm before the storm | Teen Ink

Calm before the storm

May 1, 2023
By RileyJ345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
RileyJ345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Greece know for its beautiful seas,

And perfect blue waters,

There was a fisherman,

Who loved his quiet waters,

The Aegean was like home to him,

He knew everything about it, 

From how the currents flowed,

To where most of the fish would nuzzle into a home,

He loved the feeling of waking up on the quietest morning,

The everlasting tug he would get from the fish set a feeling of thrill in him,

He knew with the white crest of the waves how bad the storm could be,

He couldn't bare to leave,

he had not nearly caught enough to make his quota for the end of the month,

When the smog came in,

And the stone gray clouds came howling in,

That's the moment the secrets of the Aegean had been kept.

The author's comments:

With lines from  how greek fisherman are protecting the secrets of the aegean

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