The Green Hallway | Teen Ink

The Green Hallway

May 22, 2023
By ohimnotsurewhatmyusershouldbe BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ohimnotsurewhatmyusershouldbe BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I turn to find a gloomy unsettling hallway.

There are doors but what’s inside them,

I wonder what lurks within.

The air is thick with a musty scent

And a sense of something sick.

My footsteps echo

They quicken at unknown sounds.

The green lit ceiling lamp,

The only source of light

The end of the hall is out of sight.

As I walk down my hearts in torment.

Darkness looms in the green blank hallway.

It deepens as I go.

I can't shake this eerie feeling.


The walls feel like they’re closing in.

The shadows writhe and flicker,

They follow me relentlessly

In this endless journey

In some strange sickening way

I ponder possibilities

Of what could happen

In this dark lonesome hallway.

The air is still and silent,

As if its holding its breath,

All l I feel is emptiness and dread

As I move towards my quest

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