The Garden | Teen Ink

The Garden

July 14, 2023
By ZilanZhen BRONZE, Foshan, Other
ZilanZhen BRONZE, Foshan, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You sitting there, watching
A sunflower processing its blossom.
I am, watching you. From the eyes of the porch. 
Everyday I scrawl down things that I throw 
Away tomorrow. Yesterday, 
There were: mango, headphone. 
You Said you like her. A little girl. Me
Too. We used to stand outside the Garden,
Sending cookies. The Nutcracker.
Today it’s a T-shirt. The languid plaid wetted 
By your sweat while cleansing the porch. 
I do hate the way you shake your head,
Slowly, with the Great Gig in the Sky.
Tylor told us about the Love Story. Which
Is boring. How you built up a relationship when you were young.
Now we have a garden. Our-
I hate how you make my night skirt damp,
With your bluish morning breath.

The author's comments:

This is a poem I wrote in Iowa when I was in the summer program of Iowa Young Writer's Studio. I met my boy friend there, who is humorous, witty, interesting. He writes brilliant short stories. This poem is for him. 

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