A Grand Adventure | Teen Ink

A Grand Adventure

September 28, 2023
By Austinthebest BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Austinthebest BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was on vacation in India with George Washington Carver and Michelangelo. First day in the morning we greeted one another, ¨Namaste.¨ We went out for waffles and pepsi. And a yeti showed up. He liked waffles too. After breakfast, we went down to the ocean and saw Spongebob with his friend the octopus. The octopus had 900 billion tiny spots. Wow! It started to rain. Spongebob and the octopus sing, ¨Now that we're men, we can do anything.¨ I said ¨You guys are on fire.¨ George Washington Carver put on vermillion skates and started skating across the ocean. Michelangelo walked to a farmer field where he started talking to a bovine wearing crocs. The Bovine was very friendly. It looked at me and said ¨I love you, Aidan.¨ I told him ¨I love you too¨  and offered him a cup of coffee.

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