One Crazy Dream | Teen Ink

One Crazy Dream

September 28, 2023
By myamyfriend BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
myamyfriend BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was in Antarctica painting a house with Vincent Van Gough when I saw Taylor Swift walking to her house. She was wearing lavender Adidas shoes and in her hand she was holding a cup of strawberry lemonade. I said “wow! Taylor Swift” I asked Taylor Swift “Where did you get that drink from?

“I got this drink from a restaurant where I ate pancakes this morning.” explained Taylor. Taylor was so gregarious. She told me that as she walked by a lake and saw 100,000 squid. Then she saw Abraham Lincoln eating lunch with a unicorn. After they ate they went to the beach. The unicorn was jumping up and down kicking sand on the people at the beach. This made the people very salty. Suddenly a hail storm came up and Taylor started singing “I just wanna stay in that lavender haze.” 

Then I said to Taylor Swift “I’m really sorry but I have to go to my job as a graphic designer. Bye see you later.”

 “Oh for pete sake I might be late.” I thought in my head. I ran as fast as I could inside the building where I work. Once I got inside my co-workers were all saying hi but I didn’t want to say hi in english so I said “hola.”

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