The Ogre Trails | Teen Ink

The Ogre Trails

October 19, 2023
By LS15 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
LS15 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Ogre Trails 

By Lainey Soto and Mckenna Bryant 

Statuesque birches stand confidently,

their branches hesitantly swaying in the spring breeze. 

A shallow pool of glistening blue lays below, 

scattered with splotches of sunlight.

My muddy sneakers lay thrown aside, tousled in sand. 

Frozen in the water, I feel the sand squelch between my toes.

A stream of freezing water bubbles from underneath the sand,

Its pressure causes a ripple on the surface.

I feel its tickly flow,

grazing over my tiny toes.

I hear the song of the water, 

twinkling in the distance.

I smell the moistened grass, 

flowing in the wind.

The crisp air fills my lungs as I take a breath in, 

closing my eyes to feel the embrace of nature.

I feel the acceptance of a greater power, and

I am encapsulated in the beauty of the wild.

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