Beneath Bohemian Waves | Teen Ink

Beneath Bohemian Waves

October 19, 2023
By AKnuth06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AKnuth06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cruising, this boat is ginormous, probably 4 sharks wide!

All I want to do is swim anywhere, I don't need a 30 minute boat ride

I cannot wait to take photos of this majestic place!
Hopefully when we get there everyone shows happiness on their face

We finally dive in, with our snorkeling gear and everything

While it was winter back home, the water made me think of spring

The emerald like water is so clean and bright

While the sun rays shoot down, gleaming with light

As I look up, the jagged rocks stare at us like Demons.

Doesn't matter. Let me dive down deep through the underwater canyons.

Deeper and Deeper, darker and darker into the night like abyss.

Studying the steep sides, you can see the aquatic creatures hiding in the pits.

The little fish, calm and friendly

All of the little Nemos and Dorys bump into us gently

Fish the size of fingers, opposite of hungry and gnarly.

Streams of them engulfing us, just like a tsunami

I see the opening, beams of light glow through the surface

As I levitate closer to the top, this place feels like it holds a purpose

Inside, a dome like cocoon surrounding us in this haven

The waves make the stone smooth, almost like it’s been engraven

Within this place, it makes me feel sheltered, secure

Rocks. Sun. Fish. All so perfect and pure.

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