Sonder | Teen Ink


November 3, 2023
By ishitaqayfr8bdedyurh73rngrah BRONZE, Cupertino, California
ishitaqayfr8bdedyurh73rngrah BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

On a peaceful afternoon in a park, there is an old rusted worn bench placed under the shade of an oak tree. As I sit there, I start gazing out at the world passing by. I begin to wonder about the beauty and importance of everyone’s life and how everyone has a story to tell. A young mother pushes a stroller with her giggling toddler, his eyes wide as he discovers the world around him. Nearby, an elderly couple takes slow, deliberate steps, their hands pressed against one another, laughing and exchanging smiles and love. A street musician nearby strums a guitar, the music adding an enchanting soundtrack to the scene. As I continue to observe, the complexity of each person’s life becomes more evident. The young mother’s hopes and dreams for her child, the elderly couple’s journey throughout decades, and the musician’s passion for their craft. All of them are immersed in their unique narratives. In this simple moment on that worn bench, I found myself connected to a multitude of lives, each carrying its own joys, sorrows, and dreams. “Sonder” comes alive, reminding me of the connection of humanity and the shared experiences that binds us together, even in a brief encounter at a city park.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because i wanted to share my experience of Sonder and when I actually started to pay attention to life and how everyone has a backstory.

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on Feb. 8 at 3:35 pm
ishitaqayfr8bdedyurh73rngrah BRONZE, Cupertino, California
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on Feb. 8 at 3:35 pm
ishitaqayfr8bdedyurh73rngrah BRONZE, Cupertino, California
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This mad good

on Feb. 8 at 3:35 pm
ishitaqayfr8bdedyurh73rngrah BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
This mad good