I am just a girl | Teen Ink

I am just a girl

November 9, 2023
By Kayla-Jade BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Kayla-Jade BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Psalam 46:5 KJV: God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early

I am just a girl who writes her thoughts and read them,

A little girl who was punished for her emotions and now shows them to the world,

The friends I have barely even know this side of me,

I never thought to share,

Or for them to care, 

What I hope to give,

Is to give peace of mind,

Or better yet,

What curiosity to what life really is,

For each human serves a purpose in this testimony. 


The author's comments:

Writing has been a long and beautiful experience for me.

This poem specifically helps me remind myself that although I am a writer, I am just a girl. A girl who wants to help the world by publishing books one day.

I don't tend to share much about my personal life; but every poem I write has my thoughts sewed into them. My poetry is the way my thoughts are able to be heard. 

This allows me to share with others who are striving for the same goals as me, in hope I can help others. 

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