I give up | Teen Ink

I give up

November 28, 2023
By Krissy-Harman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Krissy-Harman26 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel judged
I feel lied to
I feel like a joke
I feel like she betrayed me
I’m angry
I’m hurt
I’m over it

Am I?

I want to say something but if I do ill be the bad guy
If I don’t, she will make a joke of me
I want to back off but if I don’t I feel like I let her win
Drama is for acting in theater not the real world
I have no more trust
I have no more tears to cry
I have nothing left to give
I’m broken
I don’t know what to do
I give up
There’s nothing left for me to have hope for
I am an outcast
I don’t fit in
I give up on dealing with people
I give up with being the people pleaser
I give up on caring what others think
I give up on fitting other standards
I can’t do this anymore



The author's comments:

You don't always have to make others happy sometimes its better to say what you think then to be a people pleaser

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