Not So Silent Night | Teen Ink

Not So Silent Night

December 15, 2023
By alexneedsleep BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
alexneedsleep BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Awake in our beds 

We wait 

To see jolly saint nick,

bearing our fate.  

He’s not big and red 

He doesn’t have a sleigh 

His limbs are quite scrawny, 

and what’s with his face? 

Our hands cover our mouths 

Shocked at the sight 

As he turned his back to us 

We took off in flight 

As the door closed behind us 

We felt a sharp slice. 

“This is what happens, 

when kids are naughty, not nice.”

The author's comments:

This is about the theory that the reason Santa is not supposed to be seen is because he has an alternate side that only naughty children who stay up get to see. 

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