Cold Woman | Teen Ink

Cold Woman

January 5, 2024
By andry GOLD, Prague, Other
andry GOLD, Prague, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Loving someone is never a waste

I have never seen you cry 


And your laugh was always too 




You are too beautiful to 


Love anyone 


So people only come to see you 


From afar 



You are such a cold woman 


Covered in sadness 


and when they come closer 


And kiss you in the dark 


You turn into a little puppy 


And you follow them without 


Knowing where 



If only my love could save you 


I would hide you in my veins 


So no one can touch you 



The author's comments:

this poem is about wanting to get closer to someone but them being very emotionally distant and cold and too ,,pretty" to like you. like a sculpture in a museum.

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