Spotlight of Solemn | Teen Ink

Spotlight of Solemn

January 22, 2024
By julietf SILVER, Seattle, Washington
julietf SILVER, Seattle, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crystal blue waters

At the end of the sunrise

Where beauty lays her head

A single spotlight of solemn

One more broken heart

As she holds her head below

A slight change in the wind

Sets off a blade

Though it doesn’t start a fire

But a slight change in beauty

Sets off the world

And turns the stars to dust

The reflection of her


But not the same

And with that difference

Sandwiched between

Who she is

And who she came out to be

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece with the subject being someone who I was close to going through a hard time. I often write pieces very plainly without very many literary devices and I wanted to try including more devices such as metaphor and personification. I am in 10th grade in Seattle, Washington and enjoy writing poetry as it helps me process my emotions and get into a better mental place.

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