Snow Falls Around Us | Teen Ink

Snow Falls Around Us

January 29, 2024
By camrynluthy BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
camrynluthy BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Snow falls around us

We stare at each other

What is left to be discussed?

My favorite lover

Looks at me with disgust.

All of my favorite moments

Covered with the snow

My world begins moving with slowness

I feel my heart ache

Why has this happened?

What have I done wrong?

How can he look at my saddened face

And still not feel like he belonged?

My soul feels blackened

Has he felt like this all along?

When he met my family

And spoke so casually?

Was he questioning our compatibility

While expressing his love so dramatically?

I feel my heart ache

As I watch him turn away

The life inside of me dissipates

Here I am again, alone

All by myself, in the snow.

The author's comments:

I am Camryn, I am a senior at Chester Highschool.

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