Mistakes Were Made | Teen Ink

Mistakes Were Made

February 16, 2024
By Wcgarcia23 SILVER, Muttontown, New York
Wcgarcia23 SILVER, Muttontown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving. -MLK

I…messed up, I have failed at what I promised to do, I made a mistake, and I’m lost.

I am unsure what to do, 

I feel as if I’m sinking in a pool that has no bottom,

And as I go down the reassure of the water keeps building,

and my ear drums start to explode in a horrific chorus,

and I feel as if everything around me compacting me into a tiny little ball,

and all I can do is close my eyes and help for the best,

I feel helpless and the world itself is tumbling out of orbit,

I feel as if the core of the world is about to implode,

In other words I feel I have dogged a whole but the dirt keeps tumbling in,

but what if I just accepted my situation as it is,

understood what was happening around me,

would I then be able to stretch my legs,

could I then break the surface or climb out of the whole,

and then could I find that I have simply stepped on a loose stone and all I need to do is grab tight to the mountain I will climb,

and keep moving upwards until I conquer

The author's comments:

I think we have all had this feeling of despair after making a crucial mistake. It becomes overwhelming and your heart starts to run at 1,000 mph. Im just trying to describe an experience people can relate to and something I feel happens to me way too much.

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