Upon Current Affairs | Teen Ink

Upon Current Affairs MAG

February 20, 2024
By somerandomuser223 BRONZE, Ozark, Missouri
somerandomuser223 BRONZE, Ozark, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stand out of my light." - Diogenes the Cynic, to Alexander the Great

I do not know what my goal is,
When writing my thoughts aloud.
But know this, wise ones, know this,
I will shout them far and proud.

For life’s a tragedy, and far too short,
For me to worry and sit and wait.
So instead I will give haste to words,
And state my life and case.

My life begun not long ago,
But despite this it is much too fine with pain.
Shadows built around me,
And I thought it was all in vain.

And sitting here, reading the world,
It makes me feel the same.
For fools are left to try and help us prosper,
For fools is our world’s gain.

I will inherit a fatal Earth,
Her breath to be short and weak.
And as I look on stars I shall realize,
We’re to be dead and meek.

There’s not a man on this spinning globe,
Who deludes himself from the facts.
Who looks from East to West and fro,
And Concludes “Ah Peace at last!”

We’ve squandered our opportunities,
To be better, to go and last.
That’s my thoughts upon current affairs,
That we will die at last.

The author's comments:

This piece was born from division that I've noticed since I first began to see how the world works; does this make me happy? No. But I hope this can shine light on how some of us view the world and inspire some amount of change.

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