Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

February 28, 2024
By austin01 BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
austin01 BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I drive on this long endless highway

Without you I couldn’t stay

I lost you for good

Now the rain pours on the hood

I speed through this pain

That feels like 10 shots to my brain

I can't get drunk enough to keep you off my mind

Between the tears and bright lights I feel blind

The wet tires sway back and forth

Ive already dranken more than a fourth

The more I sit here and cry

The more I think of you resting in the sky

The author's comments:

This poem talks about the struggle of loss whether being losing someone from death. It talks about how being drunk and crying he's struggling to drive in the rain, he keeps driving and crying thinking about the person he lost.

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