The Calm Before The Storm | Teen Ink

The Calm Before The Storm

March 26, 2024
By Anonymous

   Everything was calm  
    Sand began to stick to my feet as I look back at my mom  
      We begin to walk towards the ocean taking in the salty air  
        Wind now blowing through my hair but nothing mattered in this chilled yet warm night  
          Even though covered by clouds of dark grey, beacons of light spilled out of the clouds  
            We waded into the cold ocean as if nothing mattered, and nothing did 
The thunder rumbled above and made me scared like a kid  
Came falling from the now dark sky  
  Lightning struck and I was now more soaked than before  
Now cloaked in my wet towel I was running, fast.  
  Gravel sticking to the sand still stuck to my feet  
All I wanted to do was fleet  
   Then suddenly I was in my car  
Which wasn’t far  
And all was   
      Calm, once again. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about a storm  on the beach.

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