Where Hate Resides | Teen Ink

Where Hate Resides

April 23, 2024
By Anonymous

In shadows deep, where darkness resides,

Lies a soul consumed by sorrow's tide.

Depression's grip tightens, a suffocating weight,

As lies and hate breed a tempest of self-hate.

No rhyme or reason in this desolate land,

Where sadness reigns with an iron hand.

Free verse, my voice, a vessel to express,

The depths of pain and anguish I confess.

A cloak of sadness draped upon my heart,

Torn apart by whispers that tear me apart.

Lies, like poison, seep into my mind,

Twisting truth into knots, leaving me blind.

Hate, a venomous snake, slithers through my veins,

Injecting doubt, fueling disdain.

But within this darkness, a flicker of light,

A glimmer of hope, however slight.

For amidst the lies and hatred's embrace,

Love's resilience emerges, refusing to erase.

In the shattered fragments of a broken soul,

A phoenix rises, determined to be whole.

So I'll fight against the tempest's might,

With words as my armor, I'll take flight.

Depression, lies, and hate may try to weigh me down,

But with resilience and love, I'll wear my crown.

In this short verse, I find solace and release,

A reminder that darkness can never truly cease.

For even in the depths of despair's abyss,

Hope whisper softly, promising bliss.

The author's comments:

 This is not the first poem I have written but it is the first poem that I cherish and truly display my emotions in. I love the fact that It´s easy to understand at least to those i let read it so far. Poetry is not something I take lightly I cherish it because it helps me through what I´m feeling and thought that I have about my emotions.

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