Put Your Guard Up | Teen Ink

Put Your Guard Up

April 24, 2024
By Anonymous

Keep your guard up and never let it down,

For in the presence of others you´ll look like a clown.

You need to learn that patience is best, 

And that sometimes you can´t act like all

The rest.

Keep your guard up and never let it down,

Find a place quiet where there is not a sound.

Never let lies come between your friendship,

Or your gonna be the one who has to

End it.

There is truth to some of the lies I´ve told,

Although some were bought some were not sold.

Sometime my lies make me want to disappear

I wish someone would whisper truth into

My ears.

As days, months and years go by,

I let out a sigh but I do not cry.

Within me there is an endless amount of pain,

This pain makes me feel like i´m insane.

The author's comments:

This poem stems from an emotional place inside of me that I did not know I had. Emotions used to not be my thing but now i think I should embrace them at least though my poetry. I´ve always wanted to be a writer but I thought I was too young to become one. Writing has been my pride and joy my light through the darkness and I´d do anything to share that light with other people.

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