We are The Universe. | Teen Ink

We are The Universe.

April 29, 2024
By RioLou BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
RioLou BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.” - Thomas Jefferson.

I love the Stars.

I always have.

They remind me of us.


There are so many.

Different colors,

Different sizes,

All of their light shines,

Onto the people in their life.

All stars affect the things around them.

Some for the better,

Some for the worst.

My light shines onto my planets,

My people.

The ones close to me are warmer.

Not just with my light,

But my love.

The people far away don’t get my light.

They are cold.

Some drift away,

But that’s okay.

They don’t deserve me,

My light,

My love,

My happiness.

To know how many stars there truly are,

Depends on your perspective in the universe.

On Earth, we can only see so many.

The Earth represents humans in a way,

Only seeing the ones around them,

Visible to the naked eye,

Even though,

There are billions out there.

Billions of people on the planet,

Billions of Stars in the sky.

Each Solar System represents a Person.

Their Family,




Everything is so intricate.

But the closer you are to something,


The more it makes sense,

The more you understand,

The more you open yourself to love.

From them,

And for yourself.

Becoming close with a person,

Creating a bond,

Can change you in many ways.

Change comes from time.

From experience.

Time withers away,

You can never get it back.

You need to live life to the fullest.

All stars die eventually,

But that does not mean they go away forever.

I believe in the afterlife,


Ones worthy,

Ones with high spirits,

Good people,

Good stars,

Supporting everything,

And everyone around them.

Those are the Supernovas.

Evolving beyond their first form.

In your life,

You can be many things.

You are a Star in your eyes.

You are a planet to others.

You may even feel like a moon.

But do not let anyone decide your worth.

You know who you are.

That is all that matters.

You know the people around you,

You know your planets

You know who matters to you.
To truly live,

You need to know your spot in the universe.

You need to know your worth.

Once you can understand that,

It will all make sense.

This crazy thing called life.

We may be stuck on this planet,

But in the grand scheme of things,

It doesn't matter.

The only things that matter,

Is how you live your life,

Who you keep in your life,

What you keep in your life.

We are the Universe.

It just depends on your perspective.

Your perspective is all that matters.

Your perspective determines your life,

And the way you live it.

So you need to live life to the fullest.

Such a small chance of you,

Your consciousness being born.

You are a blessing.

Life is a blessing.

We don’t know how we were created,

But whatever did create us,

Do not take it for granted.

Do not take what it gave us for granted.

Do not take anything for granted,

Everything will go away eventually

We don’t know when it will.

So we need to live.

Live like there will be no tomorrow,

No Universe.


The author's comments:

Writing this really opened up my eyes. It made me realize that I need to take into consideration what I just wrote. Living my life more freely. I hope to anyone that reads this, it opens your eyes too, and helps open your eyes.

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