Dog Pounds | Teen Ink

Dog Pounds

May 22, 2024
By gabriellapuszkar BRONZE, Wright City, Missouri
gabriellapuszkar BRONZE, Wright City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Boys are sort of like the people who go to an animal shelter or pound,

and girls are like the dogs they’re choosing from. 

If there’s a tiny problem,

they don’t want them,

because it’s too much to handle. 

Oh this dog is missing an eye?

No thanks, I'll just keep looking.

Oh this one only has three legs?

Yeah I’ll pass on it.

This one has small aggressive behaviors,

because of its past.

Yeah that's not safe, no thanks. 

Everyone has problems,

girls have problems, 

we get jealous over small things. 

We don’t get a response for hours,

but you’re active?

We get upset. 

We over think the small things.

A small change you think we won’t notice,

We still do.

As a girl we notice everything, 

Even the things that are easy to miss,

for most. 

The author's comments:

When I wrote this piece, I could relate to it a lot.I also feel like as it goes through the poem that it humanizes the situation and sort of puts you in the dogs position but with human problems.

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