My Ireland Dream | Teen Ink

My Ireland Dream

May 22, 2024
By Anonymous

In the land of rolling hills and misty moors,

Where ancient tales whisper at every door,

Ireland calls with its magic so grand,

A place where I long to stand.

To walk the paths of history untold,

Where legends and myths unfold,

In Ireland's beauty, my heart finds a home,

To roam its landscapes, free to roam.

From Dublin's bustling streets so alive,

To the Cliffs of Moher where seagulls dive,

I dream of Ireland, its charm so rare,

In its embrace, I wish to share.

So let me wander through Ireland's green,

In its beauty, a world unseen,

I yearn to explore, to roam and to roam,

In Ireland's heart, I long to call home.

The author's comments:

This peice, is something that I wish for. I want to go to Ireland.

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