Perfect Girl | Teen Ink

Perfect Girl

June 17, 2024
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She's no longer a little kid. She's grown, but along with that,
Her mental health begins to worsen.
She inspires not to be that person.
She's not happy with her green eyes and her curly brunette hair.
She says that her skin is way too fair.
She begs to be one of the charming blue-eyed blondies,
Which she watches on her TV screen.
The ones with the long straight hair.
The girls who are acne free.
As she attempts to do the makeup tutorials given by the "perfect girls"
She begins to think,
"Why can't I be as pretty as the girl on the TV screen?"
"Why can't I have perfect straight blonde hair?"
"Why can't I be tan like the girls I always see?"
"Why can't I have bright blue ocean eyes?"
"Why can't I just, not be me?"
But what she doesn't see,
Is the girl with the blue eyes and the straight blonde hair.
Wishing to be as pretty as the perfect green-eyed girls, with the curly brunette hair.

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