Refugees | Teen Ink


June 20, 2024
By Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're going to make fun of me, improve yourself first." -Han Jisung

*Knock knock*

Borders: closed

Where will we go now?






*Knock knock*

Are homelands in rubble

Where will we live?

No, not here 

You aren’t welcome here

“Go back to where you came from”

But we lost so much getting here in the first place

Was it all for nothing?

Can’t you make space?

*Knock knock*

We’re humans

We can’t live on a waiting list

“We are overwhelmed with the number of immigrants. Give us time.”


Update your laws

Organize your systems

This is your problem, not ours

But you wouldn’t understand

You’ve been safe your whole life

‘America home of the free’

*Knock knock*

Is today the day?

How much longer?

The author's comments:

I had to read a book for school called "Everything Sad Is Untrue" By Daniel Nayeri. The book was so inspiring I had to make a poem :)

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