rainy day phone calls | Teen Ink

rainy day phone calls

June 28, 2024
By uhthatsodd BRONZE, Claremont, California
uhthatsodd BRONZE, Claremont, California
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

i dream of being where the curves of green 

join hands with the gray beyond,

where a misty curtain embroidered with silver


how could one get to such place, you ask?

well, glance over here

see where the last thread of gold spills over salmon tiles?

grasp on to that.

that, and the kindling wish of sitting alone in a dot of red-

a lonely telephone booth amidst the curves of green

tucked safely in a misty gray envelope.

i dream of hearing simmers of soap suds on the other end of the phone

a child picks up, nestled in the left crook of the bathtub, a green toy ship in hand.

she disappears into the arms of a towel,

a lone green ship topples.

why did you go, you ask?

glance over here

see the drop of silver dangling under the dimly lit balcony lamp?

grasp on to that

that, and the tiny envelope tucked safely in an uneven paper airplane

drifting out the hand of the child,

 falling flat on the grass below,









a paper airplane shaped hollow in my heart.

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