The 'Specchio' | Teen Ink

The 'Specchio'

July 13, 2024
By mwetendorf BRONZE, Midland, Texas
mwetendorf BRONZE, Midland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Promenading amidst a fluorescent gallery

One arrived to a halt

At the painting of totality

Few gaze in admiration 

The art is beautiful 

No flaws, no evaluation

With unlocked minds and open hearts

The illumination is incomparable 

no judgment, no inspectious parts

Many glare in infuriation 

The art is most hideous 

No strengths, no admiration

With an analysis of every inch 

Every aspect was incoherent 

No perfects, no cinch

How could a soul ever love this?

The gallery was full with ever so majesties

There was no equitable decision 

No beauty, no bliss

Finished with observation, the people stroll another direction

Leaving the mirror of their own reflection

The author's comments:

This piece explores the theme of self-reflection. Every human is a work of art, yet many fail to realize and criticize their own beauty. As art is subjective, the human’s value of one’s outward appearance is too.

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