Unpredictable | Teen Ink


January 30, 2025
By ArieAsad BRONZE, Danville, Kentucky
ArieAsad BRONZE, Danville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never change yourself for the world but let the world change itself for you."<br /> -ArieAsad

Unpredictable, you were very much so, 

You would always say one thing, 

But yet you’d do the complete opposite of it, 

Yet for some reason I still trusted you. 

Unpredictable, Every time I think about you, 

Your words were like glass cutting me deeper with each lie, 

To be honest your silence is better, 

Because then I wouldn’t have to get hurt. 

Unpredictable, My emotions for you were, 

Every smile, every word, and every lie, 

Made me lose who I was inside, 

Till one day you made me cry. 

Unpredictable, I was when tears ran down my cheek, 

My feelings for my myself, my family, and for you were bleak, 

No longer did I hold myself accountable, 

For your actions that made you an animal. 

Unpredictable, you may have been, 

But caring you were so very much, 

I just can’t go through that again, 

So it’s time I left you in the dust.

Unpredictable, The future of our lives, 

Whether we’re in each others or not, 

We will both survive, 

For I believe we will prosper on our own…

Predictable, We’ll make our separate homes. 

The author's comments:

This piece stems from the feeling of being in an unpredictable friendship or relationship with someone and still caring for them no matter what they do or how much they lie. It's about how much faith you put into them and most importantly about how you need to learn to let go and move on.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 2 at 2:17 am
Arline_R BRONZE, Woodland, Washington
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If it still makes you cry<br /> It still matters"<br /> <br /> &<br /> <br /> "I feel happy<br /> when you look at me<br /> because I know<br /> for one split second<br /> <br /> I was on your mind."<br /> <br /> &<br /> <br /> "You're that 'nothing'<br /> when people ask me<br /> what i'm thinking about."

I love this, its so relatable. I just posted my poem called "Beneath the Waves" by Arline_R. You should check it out.