My Name Is | Teen Ink

My Name Is

September 28, 2009
By Anonymous

My name is
Yesterday my name meant “life”
When everything seemed perfect
The meaning of life was bright
But today nothing makes sense
The whole world revolves against me
The past hurts more than the future
Once you look back nothing can be done
My real name is trouble
Don’t think it’s always true
The truth is trouble comes to me
Going thru everything only makes you stronger
Meeting the real people you need in life
Today the world thinks I’m perfect
But never have I been
The world only sees the outside never the inside
After all nothing makes sense
All those mistakes don’t became an error until you choose to correct it
Mistakes in life only make you stronger
Finally my name would mean perfection
Hoping to change for a better
Tired of life but looking forward to be perfect

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