When Autumn Falls | Teen Ink

When Autumn Falls MAG

October 13, 2009
By Birdy-chan SILVER, Manistee, Michigan
Birdy-chan SILVER, Manistee, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In my opinion, the one statement that's ALWAYS believable is, 'I am a liar.' This is because, whether they always tell the truth or not, they ARE a liar. If they do lie, they're telling the truth, and if they always tell the truth, they're lying."

Trees all around have shed

Their coats of green
Donning instead their finest array:
The apple tree's branches are laden with bright fruit
And the young pine holds tight to his cones.
The white oak is majestic in his suit

Of flaming orange and fresh red,
While his lady, the cherry, proudly displays her berry jewelry.
Over all these towers the ancient poplar

Whose multitudes of red and gold hands are raised to exalt the sky.
One leaf, splashed in color, blown by a fickle breeze, loosens from the rest
And drops

Spinning, tumbling,

Drifting downwards

To lightly





The author's comments:
The beginning of autumn where I live is very beautiful; with all the trees lining the streets turning brilliant shades, and the sky so colorful even at midday, each day is a work of art. I can sit in my backyard and leaves will fall on my head while I read.

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