Hunger | Teen Ink


October 19, 2009
By Filip Deptula SILVER, Haskell, New Jersey
Filip Deptula SILVER, Haskell, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He stares out the window,
Hunger in his heart,
He studies how dogs are.

He has no age,
Hungers for love,
But dogs age quicker in their hearts.

He sees everything,
But hungers for sight,
For dogs see nothing than black and white.

He sees them barking,
And hungers for the sound,
But dogs cage anything that is not recognized as right.

He sees the differences,
Hungers for similarities,
But dogs see only rich and poor.

He feels the pain,
Hungers for the drugs,
But dogs refuse to give him a cure.

He senses the hope,
And hungers for joy,
But dogs can only sense fear.

He smells freedom,
and hungers to be let go,
but his fear brings dogs into tears.

He knows his weaknesses.
Hungers for strength,
But a dog's bark is bigger than his bite.

He sees his chance,
He hungers to leave,
But I'm too afraid to fight.

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