i miss you | Teen Ink

i miss you

October 21, 2009
By rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

I loved him, i did from the start. Never knowing he was gonna break my heart. I need you to be close to me, while my mind races through time. Thinking of all the fun we had, how i'll miss you, it hurts so bad. We could have had something really good, if only you would have given into the disires of your heart... You want me, you know it. You just couldnt let it show, thinking of how happy we could have been. But those are all just lost memories carried in the wind. We cant get it back babe, try as we may. its done. Were through, What will we do? Ill be here, come back again, tell me you lovve me...prove it. I need the reassurance as i reach for you, just tell me your mine. Your my hero...my man....my dream come true, now that your gone what the heck will i do? I miss youk so bad, I love you so much. My heart aches for one last touch, i need it so bad, whatever happened to the love we once had? My pain is unbearable. I long for the day we will meet again. Just wait and see, youll find the love you once had for me. You may still love me, ill never know...but it dosent matter, not now. Your gone, what will i do? Wait for me babe, ill wait for you.

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This article has 19 comments.

on Jan. 19 2010 at 3:31 pm
ShernayB. DIAMOND, Southfield, Michigan
62 articles 1 photo 881 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some things will never change"---Tupac

Sad, but heartfelt and pretty.

on Nov. 18 2009 at 11:14 pm
musicislife GOLD, Fairfax, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
in the end the big picture doesn't even matter it's the little things that make the best memories and life lessons

wow this really good

on Nov. 16 2009 at 4:39 pm
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

yes i do.... i guess

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Nov. 16 2009 at 4:16 pm
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

you know you love the backwards r too.

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Nov. 15 2009 at 11:36 am
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

chris' name is sooooo cool. idk how they managed to get the r backwards unless they used a foreign language keyboard cause i know russian uses r's like that

on Nov. 5 2009 at 3:23 pm
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

thank you so much :D

on Nov. 5 2009 at 8:32 am
ChrisAMoore PLATINUM, Saint Augustine, Florida
24 articles 8 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hey guys I have old work on this profile, but I stopped for about two years now. I got back into it now because I found that art and expression is me. So I hope you like the things I post from now on more lol

hey umm...thats really beautiful..really...it would get me back=)

on Oct. 31 2009 at 11:31 am
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

yes...yes i do love your randomness ;)

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Oct. 30 2009 at 9:53 pm
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

awh.... come on, you know you totally love my randomness. lol :)

on Oct. 30 2009 at 4:12 pm
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

ya...just a little random there lol

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Oct. 29 2009 at 7:59 pm
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

schmeow!!! lol. i know its random XP

on Oct. 29 2009 at 5:41 pm
EHunt96 PLATINUM, Swampscott, Massachusetts
32 articles 0 photos 215 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."

P.S. Check out my writing, I think you would appreciate it. It's "Him..."

on Oct. 29 2009 at 5:40 pm
EHunt96 PLATINUM, Swampscott, Massachusetts
32 articles 0 photos 215 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."

I love this, I feel the same way:)

on Oct. 28 2009 at 7:37 pm
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

thank you :D

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Oct. 28 2009 at 6:45 pm
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

not at all hannah :)

on Oct. 28 2009 at 4:18 pm
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

lol, :(

is it bad?

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Oct. 28 2009 at 3:45 pm
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

im not quite sure. lol

on Oct. 28 2009 at 3:39 pm
rAinDroPsdRip SILVER, Fairfield, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 150 comments

Favorite Quote:
\\\"never give up on something you cant go a day withouth thinking about\\\" \\\"carpe diem\\\"

ya... i wrote this about an x a while ago.

interesting in a good or a bad way?? lol

-Kal- GOLD said...
on Oct. 28 2009 at 3:33 pm
-Kal- GOLD, Carthage, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 244 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and recieves the impossible"

interesting hannah