Remember Me | Teen Ink

Remember Me

November 4, 2009
By MondayJones SILVER, Bethel, Alaska
MondayJones SILVER, Bethel, Alaska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember me
Like a cold December

As the memories fade
The feelings stay the same

As fun and laughter fill your heart
The nostalgia will take you over

The love you felt
The kisses we shared

All will disappear
Inevitably as always

Just like the snow
Never meant to last
But there for a reason all the same

I may not know the reason why
Love melts.
like pencil lead.

But, I do know that
A lesson has been learned.

All it takes is time
Soon enough you’ll understand.

Never will you forget my face
Always is where I’ll wait.

Always and forever
Will you,
That cold December.

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