The Beginning Of Selflessness | Teen Ink

The Beginning Of Selflessness

November 8, 2009
By adastraabextra GOLD, Moonstone, California
adastraabextra GOLD, Moonstone, California
17 articles 120 photos 110 comments


I’m sorry that you seem to be having a hard time with things lately…and I know I made things even worse for you. I just wanted to say I’m sorry again, and well…earlier you said you weren’t so sure if you were a great person. I think you don’t give yourself enough credit. I know the situation I am in right now affects both of us, but I’m the only one who can’t run away from it. You could if you really wanted to. You could just leave and try to forget about it, not have to worry about it. You could have left me to deal with it on my own. I’m not your girlfriend, it’s not like you have to stay by my side, or give me anything. You don’t owe me a thing. Someone who wasn’t a great person would choose to follow that. They wouldn’t care, or try to help. You did. You are a great person. I really mean that. And not just because of this, there are many ways in which you are. I’m just simply giving you one example to try and show you that you are worth something.
You are worth more than just "something".
I know it seems like you friendships are either falling apart, or aren’t so deep after all…but you do still have people who care about you. Don’t go and get upset now. Maybe when you go back to your home things will start up where they left off. Maybe they won’t. All you can do is hope for the best and not waste your days dawning on what may or may not happen. It has no point. All that will do is get you down. It won’t make things turn out one way or the other. You are here now. You may not think your relationships with people here are that meaningful, but at least make the most out of them while you’re here. What else can you do?
I sincerely hope that when you go back home, you find what you are looking for. I hope things will turn out the way you wish. But no matter what happens, just try and look at it as a good thing…
Maybe you will go back and everything will be like the old days…then you will get the satisfaction of knowing that the friends you held so dear are actually true friends.
Maybe you will find that when returning home, or even when you come back here, that some friends have gone their own ways. I know that will hurt, but at least you will be able to learn who is true, and who will seem to forget about you. I know it doesn’t sound like a good thing, but it can be, because it’s better to know who your true friends are sooner rather than later. It is better you realize now, rather than loose them later on when you thought they were there for you all along.
No matter what, I will always be here for you, I promise you that. I know you may not care so much about me, but at least you can take comfort in the fact that you will at least have one person here incase you ever truly need someone. Don’t ever hesitate to come to me for anything. I care about you a lot. I know we both have our own separate lives now, and we are not together anymore, but I want you to know that I am a lot stronger than the person you knew before. I hope you take the chance to get to know me as I am now, because I have changed a lot. I will always be here, and would love to be your friend.
And I promise that I am not the only one. I know there will be someone back home that sticks by you. After getting to know you, I couldn’t imagine that there won’t be people waiting there for you back home; welcoming you with open arms.
Don’t give up on anybody just yet. Sometimes, people can surprise you.


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