.....not what they seem...... | Teen Ink

.....not what they seem......

November 10, 2009
By Miz_me BRONZE, Levelland, Texas
Miz_me BRONZE, Levelland, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot; Anyone can be passionate,but it TAKES real Lovers to be Silly! :p &quot;<br /> <br /> &quot; In life you will have those days where you think you aren&#039;t very pretty but to the one that loves you you will always think you are!&quot;

people are not always what they seem to be at first.
like take my dad for instance i came to live with him so that we wouldn't be split up any more and look what he gose out to get another wife one more than i can count one that takes my daddy for his money!
Or like my ex-boyfriend in the beging of our relashonship he was all i ever wanted then at our three mounth mark he starts showing me the real him. He the person that i begin to trust is now lieing out from his teeth. and now that we aren't together i miss him and there isn't a day that gose by that i don't wish it were the same. i want my life back the way it was when i thought boys had coodies and when my dad and i could at least talk about how i feel.
but things i guess are not always what they seem!!!

The author's comments:
"i try to excape this hell that i call my life, just so i can hide in my own little world that has me-me-me writen all over it!!!!!"

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