Time & Love | Teen Ink

Time & Love

November 11, 2009
By Shanel BRONZE, Broad Brook, Connecticut
Shanel BRONZE, Broad Brook, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it. Right is right even if everyone is against it."

Time goes by like you wouldn't even know
And when you do have it, it's already on the go.
Dig deep, all the way in the back of your mind,
There you will find that you do have some time.
Time to think and time to breathe
Just as if it was all underneathe-
Underneathe your heart that's fillef with love
That flies swiftly through the sky like a dove.
From above is where you ought to be.
Swimming in the clouds like swimming in the sea.
Carrying the love like you always do-
Do the right thing, that's what THEY always say.
You nod your head as if it's okay.
But it's not okay; we all make mistakes.
As our bodies paines and aches.
And therefore it's not okay.
That's what I say.
In the back of MY mind.
As I'M running out of time,
To think and breathe,
Realizing that it was underneathe.
With MY love,
Flying like a dove.

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