In Love | Teen Ink

In Love

February 3, 2010
By ryanelizabeth SILVER, Howell, New Jersey
ryanelizabeth SILVER, Howell, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

if you lie here in my arms,
we'll be alright.
kiss me, kiss me,
all the night.
love me warmly,
hold me gently.
respect me lots,
and hug me plenty.
steal me away,
before night drains.
stars above us,
laying on plains.
near the water,
out on the sand.
or take me out,
all unplanned.
all I ask,
is for love.
you're an angel,
from above.
so take me,
far, far away.
and in your arms,
i want to stay.

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