Let In the Light | Teen Ink

Let In the Light

April 1, 2010
By Aislinn SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Aislinn SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from fighters, writers, and railroad men,
Pioneers and farmers.
I’m from dark Atlantic crossings—
Famines and wars.
Getting here wasn’t easy,
But we came toward the light.

I’m from “I love you” and “Je t’aime”
From laughter and joy.
A tight-knit family,
And a brother, whom I follow,
But in following find myself.

I’m from tutus, dance shoes, and curly wigs.
I’m from mouthguards, hockey sticks, and hurleys.
From cutting ice and ripping up the grass,
A sweet girl- until the whistle blows.

I’m from boldly venturing out into the world,
Yet eagerly awaiting the return home.
From making new friends,
But keeping the old friends as close as my own skin.
From being okay alone in my room,
But even more okay with being part of the team.
I’m from loving my dog like my best friend.
Sharing secrets and giving hugs and belly rubs.

I’m from turning the pages of love stories,
Reading about the past, present, and future.
I’m from filling the silence with beautiful noise.
From Taylor Swift and Frank Sinatra.
From singing in the car and dancing in my room.

I’m from oceans, mountains, and forests.
From concern for all wild creatures,
But experiencing nature from afar
Because “roughing it” is just not my style.

I’m from being serious at work, sport, and fun.
From learning each day.
I’m from laughing ‘til my breath is lost.
From waiting for a love, the way it’s written in books.
From open doors, open pages, and open hearts.
Always letting in the light.

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