My Mask | Teen Ink

My Mask

May 19, 2010
By Anonymous

i put a smile on my face everyday
everyone believes that this mask is real
but you tell me you wont be fooled
you see tinto my eyes
so much you see of me
makes you realize
that i am not what i seem to be

you see to much
i ask if you are going to leave now
you tell me you have seen more than enough
you put you hand on mine to touch
you tell me what you have seen

a shattered heart
pouring with my blood
an empty soul
crying a river of tears
the tracks on my arms
and the scars from the past

you tell me you will never leave
i ask you why you didnt run
and you reply is what amazed me the most:
i love you
i need you
id be dead without you

truth is we were both dying on the inside
the best part is we dint run away
from what we long for the most

i love you so much
i will never leave you
i need you more than you will ever know
im dead without you

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