My War | Teen Ink

My War

July 6, 2010
By MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
52 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I realize that life is risks. It's acknowledging the past but looking forward. It's taking chances that we will make mistakes but believeing we all deserve to be forgiven."
-The Dead Tossed Waves.

Two components symbolic of one,
With anger and sadness comes darkness,
Somewhere along the way I lost my sun
My war is a thief of live,
Of happiness and hope,
My war is a criminal of innocence,
My war is something that makes me have to cope
My war is the battles from within,
The ones I can no longer fight,
It is the people that think they are helping when they say
Everything will be alright
War is the battles I face everyday,
The families I can no longer look in the eye
The people that hurt me in the most unforgivable ways,
I hate having a forever internal cry
It is the ongoing battles
That I know I cannot win,
It is the anger and sadness
I feel from way deep within
My war consists of people
That perhaps I should have never known,
These very same people
That should have been the ones to make me grown
My war taught me independence,
You don't need someone to be there for you,
They all left you in disappointment,
So you taught yourself
You care for you
My war is like the caged bird that sings,
A melody that starts from deep within,
Eventually the song has got to end,
So I quit ahead and just give in
My war is a substance,
Consisting of fire and ice
Another poet once said
That indeed both would suffice
Two opposite extremes,
Yet containing the same tragic ending,
Every war, As does mine
Goes to show nothing, except for that--
The very ending.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Aug. 2 2010 at 7:46 pm
MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
52 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I realize that life is risks. It's acknowledging the past but looking forward. It's taking chances that we will make mistakes but believeing we all deserve to be forgiven."
-The Dead Tossed Waves.

thank you so much. it reallyyy means a lot to me and ill be sure to check out your work as well:)

on Aug. 2 2010 at 9:56 am
MelanieLouise PLATINUM, Plymouth, Minnesota
37 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
to live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong

that was amazing. it really hit home for me. very deep and emotional keep writing, Mel

on Aug. 1 2010 at 11:17 am
MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
52 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I realize that life is risks. It's acknowledging the past but looking forward. It's taking chances that we will make mistakes but believeing we all deserve to be forgiven."
-The Dead Tossed Waves.

aww thank you so much! that really means a lot to me:) i'll be sure to check out your work too!!

Miseltoe GOLD said...
on Jul. 31 2010 at 6:14 pm
Miseltoe GOLD, Boneville, Georgia
15 articles 2 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm a loser and I love to lose. Each time I lose its different, it teaches me something else... but winning loses its glamour after the first few times. so I love to lose

you are a great writer ive enjoyed all the poems i have read of yours. The meaning conveyed within them is direct and touching with a dark tone.

on Jul. 31 2010 at 10:06 am
MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
52 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I realize that life is risks. It's acknowledging the past but looking forward. It's taking chances that we will make mistakes but believeing we all deserve to be forgiven."
-The Dead Tossed Waves.

The first line to this poem was spose to be

"My War, My Life"

I'm not sure why it's not there. lol. my bad