I Fight For You... | Teen Ink

I Fight For You...

July 6, 2010
By TheChemicalKidd SILVER, Lynn, Massachusetts
TheChemicalKidd SILVER, Lynn, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know this world is cold and deceiving, but i keep my head up like my nose is bleeding."

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay his life for his brothers." John 15:13

I long for the feeling of you in my arms,
im sick of hearing sirens and bombs,
a kiss from you could take this away,
atleast maybe to a better place,
i miss you...

I wished you had seen,
my look of suprise,
my beautiful baby has her daddy's eyes,
I cant wait to come home,
so i can see you,
I love you...

i cant keep your smile off my mind,
It reminds me of all the time,
i spent holding hands with you,
i just need to see this through,
to see you again,
I need you...

But if you ever get that folded flag,
just remember please dont be sad,
we may have been for a while apart,
im telling you i'll live on in your heart,
when no one is their to wipe your tears,
i'll wipe them away from way up here,
I fight for you...

The author's comments:
I enjoy writing military based poetry, it seems to be my best work.

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